Used Toyota Cars
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Toyota Cars in the UK
Toyota is a Japanese car manufacturer and one of the largest automotive manufacturers in the world. The brand, which also owns Lexus, has become renowned for its reliability and build quality, as well as excellent customer service. It was one of the pioneers of hybrid technology and has a wide range of hybrid models in its line-up.
Toyota’s first product, the type A engine, was produced under Toyota industries, a company owned by Sakichi Toyoda. By 1936 a Toyota had made their first passenger car leading to Sakichi Toyoda’s son, Kiichiro Toyoda to create a spin off company which is now known as the Toyota Motor company and is part of one of the largest conglomerates in the world.
In the late 1990s Toyota established Toyota Motor Europe Marketing & Engineering to help promote Toyota sales in Europe. Two years later, Toyota set up in the United Kingdom where its cars were already popular. Toyota brands include Scion and Lexus. The Toyota Group also owns controlling stakes in Subaru, Mazda, Suzuki and Isuzu.
Toyota was one of the first brands to push and mass produce hybrid vehicles such as the Toyota Prius and continues to expand the hybrid market.
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